Points of interest

Archaeological sites
Koumasa pre-palatial cemetery

The archaeological site is located at an altitude of 400m in the north of the Asterousia mountains. Excavations unearthed a pre-palatial settlement, a Minoan cemetery, a peak sanctuary on Korakies hill and a cyclopean wall next to the settlement.

Excavations began in 1904 in the area of the cemetery, and brought to light cyclical tholos tombs, a square tomb and an ossuary with important findings. On top of the graves, archaeologists found a Minoan settlement, including a sanctuary that today lies in ruins. The large number of findings included clay and stone vases, seals, figurines, tools, and small silver daggers.

Some vases with a unique rich dark decoration were found here and were named after Koumasa. The same goes for some Cycladic type figurines that were found in the cemetery and took also the name of Koumasa. Research is still being done on this unique style and on the importance of Koumasa in Minoan art.

The project is implemented through the Regional Development Fund of Crete
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